SAMPLIFIER is a concept software/hardware digital audio performance and production tool, derived from my thesis portfolio work at UC Denver between 2021-2023.
My portfolio the research and development of a unique, wearable instrument using microcontrollers and visual-code based sound design to facilitate simultaneous production and performance. It was devised between myself and Alejandra Ghersi (stagename: Arca), intended for performance in October 2023 and is currently still in development.

Thesis Portfolio: Developing Versatile, Real-Time Musical Performance & Production Techniques through the Use of Audio Sampling, MIDI Control & Gestural Data

Initial sketch of Samplifier hardware instrument design
Orba 2
Orba 2
Novation Bass Station II
Novation Bass Station II
Flex Control
Flex Control
Mi.Mu Gloves
Mi.Mu Gloves
Novation Launchkey
Novation Launchkey
Rasperry Pi 4 Model B
Rasperry Pi 4 Model B
SOMI-1 Controller
SOMI-1 Controller
The Korg nanoKEY Studio (the main controller for testing patch control)
The Korg nanoKEY Studio (the main controller for testing patch control)
An earlier MIDI Map for KORG nanoKEY
An earlier MIDI Map for KORG nanoKEY
Final Samplifier MIDI mapping for thesis portfolio
Final Samplifier MIDI mapping for thesis portfolio
SP-404 Sampler Sequencer
SP-404 Sampler Sequencer
teenage engineering po-33 Sampler Sequencer
teenage engineering po-33 Sampler Sequencer
Teensy 4.1 Microprocessor
Teensy 4.1 Microprocessor
Teensy 4.1 Pinout
Teensy 4.1 Pinout

A brief video primer made to preface the defense of my thesis portfolio. I explain the core principles that went into my software and design philosophies, the MIDI controller and microcontroller selection processes, as well as some basic inspiration points and their means of implementation.

YouTube Playlist showing the research and development of the visual-based coding that went into the software design for my portfolio thesis. The end result is a patch-based, sample driven music production and performance environment that seeks to emulate many of the sonic signifiers from  Drum and Bass, drill n bass, IDM, glitchcore, experimental, reggaetón and industrial electronic music genres. I call this patch design Samplifier